


Displaying 1 to 6 (of 55 products)
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  • 1821 Coatee Bugles

    1821 Coatee Bugles

    riginally worn on the bendback tails of the 1821 Dress coatee, this matched pair of bullion embroide ...
    Model : 1536
    Quantity : 12
    Weight : 0.25

    Price:  $28.50

  • Ambulance Corps Armband

    Ambulance Corps Armband

    Copied directly from the fragile artifact in the Museum of the Confederacy, this armband is almost s ...
    Model : 1516
    Quantity : 12
    Weight : 1.50

    Price:  $27.50

Displaying 1 to 6 (of 55 products)
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